Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Natural Tricks for Healthy Skin

4 Natural Tricks for Healthy Skin Image via Proper skincare is especially vital for women in their late teens and twenties because this is the time where development peaks and the most effective years in terms of preventing signs of early aging. We are all guilty of too much sun exposure or falling asleep with a full face of makeup after a night of debauchery and that is totally acceptable (although it should be prevented as much as possible). But in order to achieve your most glowing skin potential, you have to exercise proper care and maintenance of your face and you must be cognizant of the products that you use in order to radiate that natural beauty. If you remain consistent with a predominantly holistic (and affordable) skin routine, you can achieve that dewy no makeup needed look that every girl yearns for. Check out some of these super effective tips for achieving your healthiest skin ever! Always use protection I promise, this is not an inappropriate request. By protection I am referring to sunscreen obviously, or is your mind in the gutter?? Even if the weatherman is predicting cloudy skies, your face is still in danger of exposure to harmful UV rays. While we all love a good tan, chronic exposure to UV rays can lead to premature aging, wrinkles, sun spots, sagging and discoloration yikes! These are all consequences that we want to avoid not only in the present but that we definitely want to prevent in the future. To make sure that your skin is always protected from the sun, try not to leave home without applying SPF 15 or higher. You can do this with a moisturizer containing sunscreen or for those of you who prefer a little more coverage, try a tinted SPF moisturizer. Lemony hydration Image via First thing in the morning, depending on how much time that I have, I either take a shot of raw apple cider vinegar or drink a hot cup of water with fresh lemon before breakfast. I do this not only to wake up my senses, speed up my metabolism, and cleanse my digestive tract, but also to help my skin. The fresh citrus juice mixed with the hot water helps to purify the body, helping to eliminate toxins and reduce the chances of skin sensitivities. A boost of Vitamin C in the morning can also cut down on your body’s amount of free-radicals, causing your skin to stay healthy and work towards looking its very best. Scrub up Exfoliation is so important for healthy and radiant skin. A lack of exfoliation causes the dead skin cells on the surface of our skin to appear opaque and resultantly not reflect any light, resulting in a dull looking face. We definitely want to avoid this because lighting can be a complete game changer. As Michelle Pfeiffer once said, “If they have the right light on you, it makes no difference what face creams you use …” To find your best natural lighting (any time and any day), be sure to exfoliate biweekly with a light scrub that won’t dry out your skin.   You can even create your own mixture by making a paste of equal parts baking soda and water. Once made into a paste, apply the mixture onto your face and massage it into your skin for about a minute before rinsing off with cool water and patting dry. Not only is this DIY exfoliant easy and cheap to make, but it does a wonderful job at clearing your skin of unwanted dead cells. Tone up Image via Contrary to what many say, using a toner is okay and even an essential step to your skincare routine. Applying a toner subsequent to cleansing can help to balance your skin’s pH levels, providing you with a more even skin tone. Toners were originally introduced as a way to restore the skins natural pH after using conventional cleanser products. The skin has a very delicate acid mantle that normally has a pH of around 5. Soap-based cleansers are typically more alkaline (have a pH above 7), which can disrupt the acid mantle on the skin. When the acid mantle is disrupted, it promotes abnormal bacteria growth, and our skin becomes more susceptible to diseases, infections, and even wrinkles long-term. Toners, which are more acidic (a pH of around 3-4), restore the skin to its natural pH. Although we should be using toners, the store bought kind are typically a chemical soup of alcohol and fragrances, parabens, hydrogenated oils, and additives that aren’t even close to being necessary for anyone to have beautiful skin. This is why, along with ingesting it, I use raw apple cider vinegar as a natural toner. I mix one part apple cider vinegar to four parts filtered water and apply it to my face with a cotton ball after cleansing. Apple cider vinegar facial toner made from raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar balances the natural pH of the skin, and breaks up the bonds between dead skin cells (exfoliating) to keep skin pores open. It also can lighten sun and age spots, and can improve acne and acne scars. If you prefer to shop for your toner, be sure to choose one that is alcohol free.

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